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Selected links for Pylos Area / Sélection de liens pour la région de Pylos

Pylos / Wikipedia (en) Informations about Pylos on the Wikipedia encyclopedia
Discovergreece.com (fr / en) What to do in Western Messinia ? Attractions à Pylos, Methoni et Koroni.
Pylos.gr (gr) The official web site of Pylos municipality (GR-EN)
City of Pylos (gr) On Harry's Greece travel guide
Greecetravel.com - Messinia (en) A summary of Messinia area by Matt Barrett's
Pylos-navarino.blog (gr) News from the Area (in Greek language)

Navarino (Pilo) (en) Key dates: from 1204, Byzantine empire to 1714, the Venetians abandon
The naval battle of Navarino (en) in October 20, 1827 the naval battle of Navarino took place...
The naval battle of Navarino (en) About the naval Battle of Navarino... in October 20, 1827
The naval Battle of Pylos (en) About the naval Battle of Pylos in 425 BC during the Peloponnesian War
La bataille navale de Navarin (fr) Le 20 octobre 1827 a eu lieu la fameuse bataille navale de Navarin...
Pylos Nestor's Palace (en) About Pylos Nestor's Palace at Epano Englianos
Geographie - Pausanias (fr) Pausanias Description de la Messénie
Dans le sillage d'Ulysse (fr) Le royaume de Nestor à Pylos
Culture.gr (gr-en) About Greek culture and history (Greek Ministry of Culture)
Odysseus.culture.gr (gr-en) Find museum, monuments and archaelogical sites (Greek Ministry of Culture)

Best accommodation at
Anna Apartements in Romanos (gr-en) Small houses in a plantation of vines for holiday near the sea in Romanos

On ornithologiki.gr (gr-en) Ornithologic program-project Life-Natura 2000 on Pylos area
On ornithologiki.gr (gr-en) Important Areas for the Birds of Greece - on Pylos-Gialova area
The project of Gialova lagoon (en) The study, which began one year after the oil spill in 1994...
Hellenic Ornithological Society (en) Volunteer project - Protection of species, conservation of Gialova Lagoon
On Trekearth.com (en) Enjoy hotos of Gialova lagoon and area (Voidokilia, etc...)
On Pylos.net (en) informations and photos about the Gialova lagoon
On Hotel Zoe (en) informations and photos about the Area
Gialova-Voidokilia-Gialova (routeyou.com) A walk north of Navarino Bay, at the foot of the Castle of Nestor....

The port and marina of Pylos (en) Informations by the Port Authority of Pylos
Pilos Marine (en) Dive Courses and locations - Boat Rental - etc...
LIVE-Webcam in Pylos (en) WiFi Hot-Spot: live webcam in real time at the port of Pylos
GNTO.gr (multilangu.) Greek National Tourism Organisation: the official WebSite
Ferryconnection.com (multilangu.) Plan and book your ferry Trip